Foreign citizens and stateless persons

We help foreign citizens with legal consultations and other questions for free.

What are we doing

Although human rights are universal, there are always vulnerable groups in society that need additional protection. In the course of our human rights activities, we found out that, besides the generally known violations of human rights faced by human rights defenders, journalists and activists, there have been foreigners and persons without citizenship who stay without attention and legal support in Belarus.

If you need consultation, write or call:

Monday to Friday: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

You can reach us via messenger at: +4915774002500 (Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal )

or e-mail: [email protected]

Migrants often face discrimination and human rights violations and turn out unable to defend themselves. We consult and render aid to those who have been made to flee their country because of threats to life, health and restrictions in rights – such people are called forced migrants or refugees.

We work to highlight the problems of this category of people, and we try to create an adequate image of refugees in society through enlightening activities; we also try to influence the legislation and legal practice in Belarus. Since this is how our country can become truly hospitable.

Migrants and refugees

Missing and Dead Migrants in Belarus: Law and Practice

The report analyzes the crisis of European migration policy and the actions of the Belarusian authorities, which led to a humanitarian crisis on the Belarusian-European Union border in 2021.
Migrants and refugees

Free legal office for the protection of the rights of foreign citizens and stateless persons: report for 2023

This report is an overview of the activities of the free legal office, the specifics of requests and a description of the legislative and enforcement problems that we encountered in Belarus in 2023.
Migrants and refugees

Free legal office for the protection of the rights of foreign citizens and stateless persons: report for 2022

This report provides an overview of the activities of the Free legal office, the specifics of applications and a description of the legislative and enforcement challenges that we faced in 2022.
Migrants and refugees

2022 Humanitarian crisis in Belarus and at the border with the European Union

In 2021, a cross-border humanitarian crisis began on the border between Belarus and neighboring states of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the EU), when, in aggregate, tens of thousands of transit refugees arrived and continue to arrive singly or in groups to Belarus to cross the border with the EU and apply for international protection.This report maps the main stages of the humanitarian crisis in 2022, analyzes important developments in terms of the protection and promotion of human rights.
Migrants and refugees

Report on the situation with the refugees and asylum-seekers from the Middle East in Belarus, October 2022

This report is prepared by the human rights organisation Human Constanta, which has been protecting the rights of foreigners and stateless people in Belarus for more than five years.
Migrants and refugees

For the first time in 12 years, the official authorities of Belarus hosted a UN Special Rapporteur in the country

Human Constanta prepared a written report on the problems faced by migrants.
Migrants and refugees

Free Legal office for the protection of the rights of foreign citizens and stateless persons: Report for 2021

This report is an overview of the activities of the free legal office, the specifics of the appeals and a description of the legislative and law enforcement problems that we faced in 2021.
Migrants and refugees

Review of the practice of using “extremist” articles under which citizenship can be revoked

On August 5, 2021 Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree which thoroughly describes the procedure of loss of citizenship for “extremism”. The procedure is provided by the new version of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of August 1, 2002 No. 136-З "On Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus" (hereinafter - the Law on Citizenship).
Migrants and refugees

Free legal office for the protection of the rights of foreign citizens and stateless persons: report for 2020

This report provides an overview of the office’s activities, the specifics of appeals, and a description of the legislative and law administration problems we faced in 2020.
Migrants and refugees

Foreign citizen’s rights in Belarus after august 2020

Report about foreign citizen's rights in Belarus after august 2020 by Human Constanta.
Migrants and refugees

Missing and Dead Migrants in Belarus: Law and Practice

The report analyzes the crisis of European migration policy and the actions of the Belarusian authorities, which led to a humanitarian crisis on the Belarusian-European Union border in 2021.
Migrants and refugees

Free legal office for the protection of the rights of foreign citizens and stateless persons: report for 2023

This report is an overview of the activities of the free legal office, the specifics of requests and a description of the legislative and enforcement problems that we encountered in Belarus in 2023.
Migrants and refugees

Applying for international protection in Belarus

How to apply for international protection in Belarus/
Migrants and refugees

You have applied for international protection in Belarus: what next?

Appealing against a refusal to grant protection in Belarus.
Migrants and refugees

International protection in Belarus

we will consider the types of international protection that you can get in Belarus, how they differ and what are the grounds for obtaining them, as well as what this or that type of protection will give you.
Migrants and refugees

Statement for International migrants day

Today, on International Migrants Day, we speak on behalf of the nameless victims of the humanitarian crisis on the border between Belarus and the European Union.
Migrants and refugees

There is an urgent need to ensure access to humanitarian aid for transit refugees in border areas

We urge humanitarian organisations operating in Belarus to establish emergency humanitarian and first medical aid points near the Belarusian-EU border and provide urgent medical assistance, food, and shelter to transit refugees in extreme conditions. The information about the locations of these points should be publicly accessible to ensure the swift provision of aid to transit refugees in distress in the border zone.
Migrants and refugees

In four months, more than 6,000 «pushbacks» were documented along the EU border: why this is a violation of human rights

The PRAB Coalition has published its seventh report on human rights violations of migrants and «pushbacks» at the internal and external borders of the European Union (EU), including the border with Belarus.
Migrants and refugees

Statement on the extradition of tajik activist Nizomiddin Nasriddin from Belarus

On July 24, it became known that activist Nizomiddin Nasriddinov was extradited from Belarus to Tajikistan, where he faces serious risk of torture due to his political beliefs. There is no information available about Nizomiddin’s current situation in Tajikistan.
Migrants and refugees

The Supreme Court has agreed with the decision of the Prosecutor General’s Office, and Tajik activist Nizomiddin Nasriddinov may soon be extradited to Tajikistan

On Thursday, April 20, the Supreme Court of Belarus considered an appeal against the decision of the Grodno Regional Court to extradite activist Nizomiddin Nasriddinov to Tajikistan.

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