Migrants and refugees

In four months, more than 6,000 «pushbacks» were documented along the EU border: why this is a violation of human rights
The PRAB Coalition has published its seventh report on human rights violations of migrants and «pushbacks» at the internal and external borders of the European Union (EU), including the border with Belarus.
Statement on the extradition of tajik activist Nizomiddin Nasriddin from Belarus
On July 24, it became known that activist Nizomiddin Nasriddinov was extradited from Belarus to Tajikistan, where he faces serious risk of torture due to his political beliefs. There is no information available about Nizomiddin’s current situation in Tajikistan.
The Supreme Court has agreed with the decision of the Prosecutor General’s Office, and Tajik activist Nizomiddin Nasriddinov may soon be extradited to Tajikistan
On Thursday, April 20, the Supreme Court of Belarus considered an appeal against the decision of the Grodno Regional Court to extradite activist Nizomiddin Nasriddinov to Tajikistan.
Free legal office for the protection of the rights of foreign citizens and stateless persons: report for 2022
This report provides an overview of the activities of the Free legal office, the specifics of applications and a description of the legislative and enforcement challenges that we faced in 2022.
How to behave in case of emergency at the border
How to behave in case of emergency at the border:i nstructions and contacts of organizations that provide assistance
2022 Humanitarian crisis in Belarus and at the border with the European Union
In 2021, a cross-border humanitarian crisis began on the border between Belarus and neighboring states of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the EU), when, in aggregate, tens of thousands of transit refugees arrived and continue to arrive singly or in groups to Belarus to cross the border with the EU and apply for international protection.This report maps the main stages of the humanitarian crisis in 2022, analyzes important developments in terms of the protection and promotion of human rights.
Joint Statement: Halt Extradition of Activist Nasriddinov to Tajikistan
Human rights organisations, express grave concern for the fate of the activist Nizomiddin Nasriddinov and call on the Belarusian authorities not to extradite Nasriddinov to Tajikistan.
Belarus and Russia recognize mutual visas of each other: what does it mean
From March 2023, foreign citizens and stateless persons will be able to enter, leave, stay, and transit through the territory of Belarus and Russia on the basis of a visa of one of the two states and identity documents.
Human rights defenders in Latvia are being judged for helping transit refugees: why is this a violation of international legal norms
On January 13, it became known about the beginning of a criminal trial against two representatives of the Latvian organization Gribu palīdzēt bēgļiem (English: “I want to help refugees”), who provide assistance to transit refugees on the border between Belarus and Latvia.Показать больше новостей
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